Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 18, 2025

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Drones Invade The Intrepid

NEW YORK CITY –  The Intrepid Sea, Air, & Space Museum in NYC, docked on the Hudson River since 1982, has been a fantastic tourist destination showcasing a World War II aircraft carrier. The public is given a chance to walk aboard the deck and visit the many levels of a ship that is the size of a small town when fully manned at sea. This fabulous and in many ways unique museum brings to life an open air feeling and the scope of its attractions gives patrons a variety of  interests that go well beyond the lure of the Navy. (In photo – Military Drone)

One of the beauties of the Intrepid is the evolving nature of the museum which became a National Historic Landmark in 1986.  Elaine Charnov, Senior Vice President of Exhibits, Education & Programs, proudly explains how the Intrepid Museum is a living and educationally active museum which instills its visitors with a thirst for knowledge. And, when they leave, they will have many things to share with others.

Over the past 30 years the Museum has added a submarine, Space Shuttle: “Enterprise,” and most recently a British Airways Supersonic Concorde.  The museum is sprawled over an area which has exhibits both on land and on the water.

In photo: Jim & Bob Dombrowski discuss the fabulous exhibit on Drones with Elaine Charnov, Senior Vice President of Exhibits, Education  & Programs.  Elaine is a graduate Barnard College and NYU.

The Post Eagle reporters, James and Robert Dombrowski, visit to the museum was greatly helped by Ashley Allen, PR Director of the Intrepid, to spread the word about a new exhibit which recently opened and is now running until Dec. 3rd . The exhibit: “Drones: Is the Sky the Limit?” is the brainchild of Eric Bohm, Curator and Aviation & Aircraft Expert of the Intrepid, and has been in the works for several  years.  Eric explained the logistical challenges of putting together, in a 6000 sq.ft. space, an exhibit of drones from their infancy to the future.  “We wanted to show the many uses of drones, or as they are also known as “pilotless aircraft”, noted Eric.

“I also wanted to obtain the drone that Lady Gaga used in filming a video in Brooklyn.  She was very cooperative and may visit the exhibit,” explained Eric.  “Hot air balloons were made to be used without pilots during the Civil War and in some ways can be credited as the beginning of pilotless flight,” noted Eric.

“The public is aware of the military uses of drones which is just a small fraction of their total use.   On display we have drones used for farming, tracking hurricanes used by NOAA, the Amazon Delivery  Drone, and futurist drones that will carry people,” a proud Eric explained.

The zest of the exhibit can be heard in Eric’s voice as the former Air Force Master Sergeant has put together a solid exhibit worth the price of admission to the Museum.

By James Dombrowski 

Photo below, left: The Deck and Flying Bridge of the Intrepid. When you walk on the deck and check out the planes, you can feel the thrill of planes taking off and landing on this majestic ship.

The Concorde (on right)

Amazon Drone (center)


