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CYBERSEC CEE: Regions & Cities
In Krynica-Zdroj On Sept. 1-3

The Kosciuszko Institute will present another international event as part of the European Cybersecurity Forum – CYBERSEC. The organizer invites you to Krynica-Zdrój to CYBERSEC CEE: Regions & Cities, which will be held on 1-3 September. The President of the Republic of Poland – Andrzej Duda will take part in the conference.  

The motto of this year’s CYBERSEC conference in Krynica is: TOWARDS VALUES-BASED DIGITAL WORLD. “It directs discussions on the value of new technologies and responsibility in the digital world. This issue, due to the increasing scale and effects of hostile behavior in cyberspace, has been a subject of political concern in recent days and weeks on the part of the Transatlantic Alliance, the European Commission and agencies dealing with cybersecurity in many countries “- explains Izabela Albrycht – Chairperson of the Forum’s Program Committee CYBERSEC.

“During unprecedented hacker attacks against the Polish state, its top officials, polish local governments and entrepreneurs, we must make a joint effort beyond political divisions to protect ourselves for the future. Krynica is a great place for debates on this subject” – says PhD. Andrzej Kozłowski – Program Director of Krynica Goes Digital from the Kosciuszko Institute.

Why Regions & Cities?  

Europe’s cybersecurity and digital resilience depend on the involvement of its regions and cities, as well as effective public-private partnerships. This is how to start a digital transformation based on security and values.

As part of CYBERSEC CEE Regions & Cities, four thematic streams will be presented over three days: Digital Space, Digital Three Seas, Cybersecurity of Local Government Administration and Krynica Goes Digital, during which digital challenges of the Polish economy, energy transformation and national security will be discussed.

“As organizers, we are pleased that the largest Polish and global companies, SME, representatives of science, NGOs and representatives of the government, local governments and international institutions are interested in participating in our conference”- says PhD Andrzej Kozłowski.

During the meeting of the Marshal of the Małopolska Region, Witold Kozłowski, with the Science Council – the rectors and representatives of 14 universities from Małopolska Region gave a positive opinion on the new format and program of the autumn event in Krynica-Zdrój organized by the Kościuszko Institute.

“One of the most important challenges of the present world is the digital revolution, which is why organizing an ambitious event such as CyberSec in Krynica-Zdrój may help both globally and locally, to formulate accurate answers to fundamental questions about cybersecurity” – says the mayor of Krynica, Piotr Ryba.

Founded in 2000, the Kosciuszko Institute is a leading, non-governmental and non-profit think tank and research institute. Our mission is to act in the interest of the socio-economic development and security of Poland as a proactive member of the European Union and NATO.

Program Director of Krynica Goes Digital from the Kosciuszko Institute – Andrzeja Kozłowskiego:
