Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Sale Day
NEW JERSEY – On Sunday, September 29, 2013 the Passaic County Office of Solid Waste & Recycling Programs will be sponsoring a Compost Bin and Rain Barrel Sale Day and Education Program at the Wanaque Campus of Passaic County Community College located at 500 Union Avenue, Wanaque, N.J. from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, rain or shine. According to Nina Seiden, Passaic County’s Solid Waste & Recycling Programs Administrator, composting is nature’s way of recycling, turning all your vegetative kitchen scraps, coffee grinds, tea bags, grass clippings, brown leaves and dead garden plants into rich organic compost. This compost can be used in your vegetable and/or flower gardens while keeping all of the unwanted material out of the landfill. The renowned Earth Machine Compost Bin will be available for purchase at a special price of $55 cash or check including tax (retail value of $100) while supplies last. Additional items for purchase include rain barrels for $75, kitchen scrap buckets, aerators, chicken-wire style holding bins, and more. Those reserving a compost bin for purchase by September 26, 2013 will receive one free kitchen scrap bucket per household. Educational seminars on how to compost, and how to utilize a rain barrel effectively will be held throughout the event. To reserve your compost bin and/or rain barrel to guarantee their availability the day of the event, please call the Passaic County Office of Solid Waste & Recycling Programs at (973) 305-5738 and give your name, phone number and number of bins/rain barrels to be purchased.