Post Eagle Newspaper


Jan 13, 2025

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Clifton City Hall’s First
Rain Garden To Be Planted
This Thursday, May 16th

Clifton Green Team/Environmental Commission
AmeriCorps New Jersey Watershed Ambassador
To Co-Host Rain Garden

CLIFTON, NJ⎯In collaboration with AmeriCorps New Jersey Watershed Ambassador, the Clifton Green Team/Environmental Commission  will be planting Clifton City Hall’s First Rain Garden on Thursday, May 16, 2019 (Rain Date Friday May 24, 2019) from  1 pm-4 pm, located at 900 Clifton Avenue.  The Rain Garden will be planted next to the Clifton Arts Center and Sculpture Park

What is a Rain Garden?  It is a shallow depression that captures, filters, and infiltrates storm water while it is also aesthetically pleasing.  The water drains within 24 hours after a rain event.  Stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces needs to be offset by pervious surfaces and current ways used are rain gardens, rain barrels, gravel trenches and pervious pavement/pavers. Rain Gardens keep our streams clean and prevent flooding while also adding beauty to the landscape.

We encourage anyone who would like to attend to stop by or visit the rain garden once it is completed.

The Clifton Health Department is a contractual health agency for the Township of Little Falls.