Clifton Cares Needs Your Help To Make Valentine’s Day Special For Our Troops
NEW JERSEY – The Clifton Cares project needs your help to make Valentine’s Day special for our troops in Afghanistan. Your generosity in the past few months has been overwhelming.
We would appreciate your donations of Valentine hearts, candy, cookies and Valentine cards. Puzzles, word searches and Suduko puzzles are very popular and will be included as well.
The warm Holiday wishes to our soldiers from School 13, Boys and Girls Club children and cub scouts was such a hit with our troops that we want to continue sending cards, even when there isn’t a holiday!! Everyone, not only children, are encouraged to make a card/buy a card and leave them at the City Hall.
To ensure the items reach our soldiers for Valentine’s Day, please leave them at City Hall by 1/23/13. When you visit City Hall to pay your taxes, drop off a bag of goodies and a card. We need your help to lift the spirits of our troops!!
Mailing each package is $13.45 so monetary donations are appreciated and very much needed so we can continue this project.
Please continue with bringing supplies to City Hall and/or make a donation towards postage. Stop and see Lizz Gagnon at City Hall with your cash or check at the Tax Office or mail it to her at City Hall. Check should be payable to Lizz Gagnon and earmarked as Clifton Cares.
Lizz Gagnon
c/o Clifton City Hall Tax Assessor’s Office
900 Clifton Avenue
Clifton, New Jersey 07013
We have received an overwhelming amount of books, so for now, please do not leave any books.
The following items are always needed: small bottles of hand sanitizer, mouthwash, deodorant, toothpaste, body wash, shampoo, shaving cream and razors, lip balms socks, chewing gum, aspirin, Advil and Visine. Individual Powder Drinks i.e ice tea or lemonade are especially enjoyed and of course cookies and packages of crackers (please watch the expiration dates).
Local businesses are encouraged to collect supplies at their work locations and deliver them to City Hall. This is a city that cares about our folks and hope that businesses will encourage their employees to support the project.
If you have any questions please email Lizz at, call her on her cell at 973 818- 8141,
We thank our local newspapers for their ongoing support in getting this request to Clifton citizens!