Classical Music Concert At KF This Saturday
WASHINGTON, D.C. Roanoke Valley Sister Cities and the Kosciuszko Foundation in Washington DC are pleased to present A Classical Music Concert on Saturday, August 30th (5 p.m.) featuring students from the Frederick Chopin School of Music Level II in Opole Poland.
The concert will be held at The Kosciuszko Foundation, 2025 O Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036. The concert will highlight Polish composers and music for the piano, violin, and flute. Roanoke Valley Sister Cities has partnered with Opole, Poland since 1995 with primary cultural exchanges in music and art. This is the third group of Polish music students to visit the USA and Roanoke from Opole.
The Artists:
Jagoda Krzeminska (flute) was the winner of the American Protégé International Flute Competition in 2013 and participated in a concert at Carnegie Hall that year. She was one of 7 finalists in the Eurovision Young Musicians competitions in 2012 which was held in Vienna, Austria. She has performed in Europe and the USA.
Martyna Kaszkowiak (violin) was the recipient of the Medal of Recognition from the city of Opole in 2008 for her musical accomplishments and has received many honors and recognition in competitions throughout Poland. She has performed in master classes with well known international professors of music in London, Zurich, and in Poland.
Antoni Pikuta (piano) studies piano with one of the most respected piano professors in Poland, Professor Celina Heller. He has won numerous prizes and honors in competitions and has taken master classes with professors in Katowice and Poznan.
Mateusz Rozek (piano) performed in Washington DC in 2006 as part of the first visiting group from Opole. He now is a piano teacher at the Frederick Chopin School of Music in Opole. He graduated with a degree in piano studies from the University of Warsaw where he studied under the tutelage of Professor Alicja Palety-Bugaj. He has performed internationally (in Europe as well as in China) and has received numerous awards and honors.
Kristina Bulas-Slowikowski has chaired the Opole Committee for Roanoke Valley Sister Cities since 1995. Music and art continue to be the main focus of partnership with the overall goal of showcasing the best of Poland to residents of Roanoke and Southwest Virginia. She created the Southwest Virginia Polish Heritage Alliance newsletter and strives to bring news of all things Polish to residents of the region. She is a first generation Polish American, studied in Poland for 5 years and maintains close contact with family and friends in Poland. She has assured that her children maintain contact with family in Poland along with their having the ability to communicate in Polish.
Suggested Donation: $10
Want to help bring more of Poland to Washington D.C.? Support the Kosciuszko Foundation by becoming a member!
If you have any questions about this event or memberships, contact Barbara Bernhardt.
Phone: 202-785-2320