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Christmas Reigns In Wisconsin

November 13, 2019

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a victory in Wisconsin that atheists are deploring:

By a vote of 64-30, the Wisconsin Assembly has voted to call the Christmas tree in the state Capitol rotunda a Christmas tree. The governor, Tony Evers, wanted it called a “holiday tree.” He failed to say what holiday—which means “holy day”—it represents. Now he knows.

The Assembly also voted to adopt a resolution recognizing Thanksgiving week as National Bible Week.

The Christian haters at Freedom From Religion Foundation were appalled by both decisions.

It was Evers’ predecessor, Scott Walker, who, in 2011, called the Christmas tree a Christmas tree; it previously had been known as the “holiday tree.” Evers wanted that name back, but now he has lost.

Why would Evers want to insult Christians at Christmastime? One website which features his bio says that his religion is “Not Available.” We can only guess what that means. We know of no people of faith who believe that it is okay to intentionally allow a baby to die who survives a botched abortion. Evers does.

His official bio says “the governor believes in bringing people together to solve the problems facing our state.” Is that what he did in June when he divided the people by putting a homosexual “Rainbow Pride Flag” over the State Capitol? It led to a petition of 10,000 residents who objected.

Evers has a history of anti-Catholicism. Before he became governor, he was the Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction. In that role he sought to deny Catholic students who attended an independent Catholic school transportation, even though the school was affiliated with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He was sued for his bigoted stunt.

Organized atheists are a menace to the First Amendment. Kudos to the Wisconsin lawmakers who stood up to these bullies, and to their lackey, Tony Evers.

Contact Maggie Gau, Evers’ chief of staff:

The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10123
Phone: 212-371-3191
Fax: 212-371-3394
