Failure Is Never An Option:
It Is An “Evil Result”.
- PostEagle
- November 11, 2013
- Woman's Way
Aside from that, and just as important, “don’t ever sell yourself short”! (Also not an option!) Accepting what is beneath your standards either in personal or business relationships will only detract you from your “mission in life”. Do you know what your life’s work (mission) is, or should be! “Success” is in knowing that “your success is a good result …
Continue Reading “Cat & Mouse”… The Games People Play
- PostEagle
- November 4, 2013
- Woman's Way
It is amazing to me how on both sides of a relationship they each think that they are smarter than the other. Sitting on the outside and looking in on this…it is comical to watch… is like they both just fell off the turnip truck! (Neither on knows it.) Getting one over on the other is the game in the …
Continue Reading A Quote To Be Shared….!
- PostEagle
- October 29, 2013
- Woman's Way
A Quote To Be Held Close To Your Heart Lord take me where you want me to go; Let me meet who you want me to meet; Tell me what you want me to say; and Keep me out of your way. By Fr. Mychal Judge, FDNY (Who died on 9/11) Now, if that does not encompass all….I don’t know …
Continue Reading Wake-Up!
- PostEagle
- October 11, 2013
- Woman's Way
A special wake-up call is what we all went through a year ago with Tropical Storm/Hurricane Sandy. Some of us fared way better than others. Where we go and what we do from here on in is yet to be seen. If we continue down the same path of over-consumption, non-concerned attitudes with no respect for life, living things and …
Continue Reading One Day At A Time
- PostEagle
- October 4, 2013
- Woman's Way
It is not “our timing”, it is the timing in the bigger scheme of life that rules our lives. If we “listened to” our own timing and became frustrated when something didn’t work out to our schedule, it is because the Master’s Plan for our life took precedent over ours! Unfortunately, “it takes forever” to realize how God’s timing is …
Continue Reading If Life Was Easy
- PostEagle
- September 27, 2013
- Woman's Way
IF IT IS TOO EASY….THEN THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH IT! It took a lot of years and numerous experiences before I would ever admit to myself that there is a lot of truth to this statement. The only problem is, it is our human nature to pooh, pooh what we see in exchange for something easy. Nothing in this …
Continue Reading Surviving… “All The Systems That Man Created”
- PostEagle
- September 20, 2013
- Woman's Way
“All the systems that man created that go against the grain of what GOD designed…. will start to crumble and fall.” What a profound statement; made by a priest speaking on TV in 1987. (As you may or may or may not recall…..the Stock Market had “its first crash back then”…and I still say that “nothing has been the same …
Continue Reading Planning
- PostEagle
- September 6, 2013
- Woman's Way
“Planning” is good for your mental outlook…… But, your path is directed by heavenly beings if you are a spiritual person. (If you are not a spiritual person you are probably in an “ungodly free fall” and where you land is anyone’s guess.) All the plans, decisions and energy you put into a plan will fall flat “if that is …
Continue Reading How Rude
- PostEagle
- August 27, 2013
- Woman's Way
Whatever happened to common courtesy? Did someone have a competition and rudeness won? The winner that “takes the cake” and the first prize is an elderly woman who is a member at a local Swim Club. I couldn’t believe my eyes, as she jumped out of her beach chair and ran up to the Life Guard “to let him know …
Continue Reading Angry Cleaning
- PostEagle
- August 23, 2013
- Woman's Way
If you have never had the experience of Angry Cleaning……you don’t know what you are missing. Your “to do list” will evaporate very quickly and your decorating and rearranging faculties will kick in to surpass your very own expectations. This isn’t something that comes about too often, hopefully, but when it does you should take full advantage of its value. …
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