Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 17, 2025

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Cardinale: NJ Shouldn’t
Allow Prisoners, Parolees,
Those On Probation To Vote

NEW JERSEY – Senator Gerry Cardinale, the ranking Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement opposing legislation that would allow incarcerated prisoners, as well as those on parole and probation, to vote. 

Sen. Gerry Cardinale opposes legislation that would allow incarcerated prisoners, as well as those on parole and probation, to vote. (©iStock)

“People who are serving prison sentences for breaking the law are subject to a loss of certain freedoms.

“That’s part of the risk they assume when they break the law, and part of the incentive structure for people to follow the law.

“Do we really believe that murderers and rapists who are serving prison sentences should be allowed to influence elections and public policy?

“We shouldn’t trust people who have demonstrated such bad judgment that they are removed from society with the responsibility that comes with voting.

“Let’s not forget that we restore voting rights once a person has paid their debt to society and proven themselves to be trustworthy following parole or probation.

“Our current system is reasonable, and it works.”

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Press Release from Senator Gerry Cardinale