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Baseball In Poland

KoprBaseballIMG_2987forwebThe Polish National Youth Baseball Foundation (PNYBF) was founded by Stan Kokoska of Willimantic CT. Stan has continued to serve the children in Poland since his first summer teaching the children to play baseball in 1986.

Things have progressed since then and in 2004 a Polish team came to the US to play in the Little League World Series. Now it is almost impossible to have a team come to the US as the cost of a Visa, Passport, Airfare, Housing and Meals is too expensive for the families of the children, who are mostly poor people.

Pictured is Al Koproski, who is refurbishing baseball gloves, and Tom Krajewski, a loyal supporter from the Buffalo NY area.  Another loyal supporter is Paul Sager of Pittsburg, PA who annually donates used Baseball and Softball Equipment to the PNYBF.

This spring the 14th Annual Dzialdowo Cup Tournament was held, with the winning team receiving a beautiful Crystal Trophy from the President of Poland. This summer the Baseball Field in Dzialdowo Poland was expanded to allow the now Senior boys and girls to play ball. This field can be used for T. Ball, Little League, Babe Ruth and Senior Teams.

We at the PNYBF want to thank all of our supporters who have donated towards the building of the baseball field and towards shipping the donated equipment to Poland by boat. From the port it is delivered by truck to many cities all around Poland and to Summer Camps sponsored by the Kosciuszko Foundation.

If you would like to donate to continue the promotion of Baseball in Poland make your check out to PNYBF and send it to 222 Ocean Drive East, Stamford, CT 06902. For more information call me at 203-323-9944. We are a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization and all donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law. If you would like to join our volunteers call us or email

By Al Koproski