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Jan 19, 2025

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August Horoscope

Aries – Your ruling planet Mars joined by Mercury and Jupiter places the spotlight on the domestic area of your solar chart. Home improvement, social gatherings and real estate ventures favored. Romance and creative pursuits are accentuated; however, guard against compulsive acts you may offend a loved one. Venus advances to your solar 7th house on the 17th providing you with new friendships and meeting a new love. After the 22nd, medical appointments and seeking health remedies are favorable. Neptune forewarns against over the counter medication.   Favorable dates 23-24

Taurus – New and creative ideas can stimulate romance and a business venture. Time to update means of communication. Computers – research allows you to be competitive, Time for a family reunion – a back yard barbecue brings family members together. Venus, your planetary guide advances to your 6th solar house after the 17th providing you with creative ideas in the work place. Co-workers are congenial and helpful. After the 22nd the Sun spotlights romance, children and creative pursuits.  Favorable dates 25-26-27

Gemini – You have the power to charm a snake – if need be – so – turn on the charm with business and personal issues. Mercury you planetary provider transits the signs Cancer, Leo and Virgo and is bound to shed light on personal and family matters. Busy month and because of the quick transit of Mercury you can be forgetful or slight someone. Stay on top of issues by keeping a log.  A short trip may be in store – you can be the family peace maker; therefore, communicate with discordant family members. Sun enters your solar 4th house. Home improvements, real estate and a family reunion are areas of enjoyment.   Favorable dates 1-2-28-29

Cancer – Mars in your sign until the 28th forewarns against impulsive action.  Diet and exercise is recommended – stand clear of fast food establishments. Jupiter in your sign brings personal rewards – education to improve work skills. The negative side of the Jupiter transit is gaining weight. Lots of star power gives the impetus to improve your monetary worth. New and untried ideas may be the answer to improving your income. Sun shifts on the 22nd to your solar 3rd house signaling a positive time for communications. Purchase of a computer or means of advertising works well.  Favorable dates 3-4-5-30-31

Leo – Happy Birthday!  Key word for this month is – investigation! Lots going on behind the scenes. Stand clear of clandestine situations. Research a work project or a business venture before acting. Jupiter provides you with a sense of inner peace. Prayer and meditation helps. Consider a vacation away from it all. Venus enters your 3rd solar house on the 17th where it can stimulate your social calendar. Time to mend fences with a relationship that has taken a bad turn. Sun shifts on the 22nd and will place the spotlight on monetary condition. New and creative ideas can be the way of increasing your financial worth.  Favorable dates 6-7

Virgo – Rapid moving Mercury makes this an interesting month. Make sure you keep a log and do not trust your memory and above all do not slight anyone less you pay the price at a later date. Sun spotlights behind the scenes investigation and research. Perfect time to get away for rest and relaxation. Venus in your sign until the 17th provides you with a romantic interlude – make sure it is above board. The Sun will enter your sign on the 22nd @ 7:02 PM – Happy Birthday! A solar return will be helpful in handling the events for the year ahead.  Favorable dates 8-9

Libra – The omnipotent Sun shines in the house that governs friends, hope and wishes. Friendship, innovation and improving your social status are areas of improvement. Venus your ruling planet enters your sign on the 17th adding to your charm and sophistication. Romance and dinner by candlelight with your significant other is the order of the day. After the 22nd, the Sun shifts to the most sensitive area of your solar chart. Use this time period for meditation and seeking health remedies. Consider a vacation to restore your batteries.   Favorable days 10-11-12

Scorpio – The Sun occupies your solar 10th house until the 22nd and places the onus on career and business. Meetings with VIP’s, career or business decisions work well. Vested accounts, taxes and legal matters need to be handled with care. Mars, your essential ruler, transits your solar 9th house where it is joined by Mercury and Jupiter. This powerful star power can give hindsight and optimism. The Sun enters your solar 11th house on the 22nd and will stimulate friendships and business connections. Use new and untried ides others will listen.   Favorable dates 13-14

Sagittarius – Your ruling planet Jupiter transits your solar 8th house where it is joined by Mercury and Mars. You can rely on psychic powers especially in the areas of monetary decisions and vested accounts. Financial counselors help in adding to ways and means of expanding your portfolio. Far away places, vacations and education to improve work skills benefits future aspirations. Venus enters Libra on the 17th and can stimulate romance and your creativity.  Sun enters your solar 10th house after the 22nd placing the accent on work or business issues. Meeting with VIP’s works to your advantage. Favorable dates 15-16

Capricorn – Your finances will be the chief areas of concern. Taxes, vested accounts, partner’s money will be areas of concern. Mars, Mercury and Jupiter transit your solar 7th house placing the onus on others.  Best to allow others to set the pace – you gain by being unaggressive. Stand clear of someone who may not have your interest at heart. The Sun will advance to the 9th solar house on the 22nd where it will provide spiritual guidance. A vacation. Favorable dates 17-18

Aquarius – The Sun omnipresent in your solar 7th house places the accent on relationships and friendship. Appointments with counselors, business advisers will provide you with a better sense of direction for business and pleasure. Venus enters the sign Libra on the 17th therefore plan a vacation to a romantic hideaway. Sun will shift on the 22nd to your solar 8th house and can shed greater light on partner’s money, legal issues and vested accounts. Take time off and consider your priorities. Favorable dates 19-20

Pisces  – The Sun falls in your 6th solar house; consequently, your attitude will play an enormous role with co-workers and those who service you. The latter aspect improves health care and medical appointments.  Because the 6th house deals with working conditions, seek to update resumes and visitations with work counselors. Sun sheds light on the 22nd with personal relationships and business connections. This is the time when business and social relationships improve dramatically.    Favorable days 21-22

– To schedule an appointment with Mr. Sinopoli call 973-778-1232.