Post Eagle Newspaper


Feb 18, 2025

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As The Virus Begins To Die
Travel Is Born Again

By Bob Nesoff

It’s been a heck of a year. A tiny virus has decimated some populations, taken more than half a million lives and confined most people to their homes since March 2020. But as Little Orphan Annie sang: “The sun will come out tomorrow.”

Two vaccines have been joined by a third, more viable medicine that needs only regular refrigeration and one dose as opposed to two. That means more people, more quickly will be free and able to move around again.

And that means safe travel.

Sue Bonchi, Marketing Vice President for Odysseys Unlimited, is predicting a return to travel and tourism that will serve a quarantined population starving to get on the move again.

“As rates of vaccination increase and the pandemic starts to show signs of diminishing, Odysseys plans to operate different tours in 2021,” Bonchi said. “This, of course, will be as conditions permit. At all times the well-being of our guests and staff members on tour will continue to be our highest priority.

“To that end, we have established guidelines for international travel,” she continued. “That will include the requirement that guests have proof of either having taken vaccinations or negative Covid-19 tests prior to joining the tour. On tour we will be taking significant steps to maintain a healthy environment for travel with ovid-19 safety protocols, as well as creating safety procedures for each tour.”

One of the new protocols Odysseys is developing is a “Private Departures,” that will offer guests the opportunity to tour with friends and family as a private group on any of the company’s worldwide trips.

These groups, a design for others to follow, would offer groups ranging from five guests to eight. That would depend on the tour. There will be the opportunity for larger groups of up to 24 to participate with appropriate precautions.

Bruce Epstein, Odysseys president added: “We’re delighted to be able to offer our guests the chance to tour with their selected group of companions. We hope this expands the possibilities for people as they consider a return to worldwide travel.”

Hotels and venues have been carefully selected for quality and safety protocols and the firm will dedicate a tour director for each of the friends and family groups. Importantly each such group will be exclusively with its chosen companions and no one else will be included. That will go a long way to ensure the safety and health of participants.

Guests can choose sailing aboard a private yacht on Turkey’s Turquoise Coast, go on a safari or enjoy the “good life” in Italy. There is also the exciting opportunity for visiting America’s Southwest National Parks. For information on Odysseys offering, contact them via email at You can obtain information on the small group trips and day-by-day itineraries.

With three vaccines on the market and more in the pipeline, it is conceivable that leisure travel will be back in near full-swing by early summer. Precautions will still need to be taken to ensure safety and health.

Next column will deal with travelers who canceled trips because of the pandemic, what they can do and what to expect.

Editor’s Note: Bob Nesoff’s popular travel column has been un hiatus partly dues to the pandemic. You may also note that the by-line only carries his name. His co-author for decades, travel companion and wife, passed away earlier this year. As a result, Bob put everything on hold until now.


Post Eagle Editor’s Note: The Post Eagle family sends our condolences to Bob and his family. Thoughts and prayers are with you.