Ambassador Wilczek’s Visit To North Carolina
Ambassador Piotr Wilczek visited Raleigh, North Carolina on March 27-30, where he held meetings with state leaders and representatives of biotechnology firms, along with a celebration of Polish Week at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. The Ambassador also met with the local Polish-American community.
The meeting with Governor Roy Cooper was focused on opportunities for cooperation between the state of North Carolina and Poland, especially in the areas of IT and biotechnology, as well as on Polish-American relations. Discussions with Congressman David Price (D), who represents the fourth congressional district in North Carolina, referred to the situation in Europe, trans-Atlantic relations and bilateral visits.
Ambassador Wilczek also participated in the celebrations of Polish Week at the University of North Carolina, which included giving a lecture for students and faculty entitled “Poland, Europe and the World.” Additionally, he led a discussion with University leadership and academics about the potential areas of academic cooperation and the planned student visit to Warsaw and Cracow. Ambassador Wilczek met with Polish students, visited the University library and its Polish collection, and sat in on a Polish language lesson.
The visit was also dedicated to the development of cooperation between Poland and North Carolina in the fields of IT and biotechnology, especially in the scope of R & D, research projects, and student exchanges. The Ambassador spoke on these topics with representatives of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center and Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina, as well as with the management of the company SAS, a substantial investor in Poland.
Ambassador Wilczek also met with representatives of the local Polish-American community. During the official ceremony, the Ambassador presented the Polish-American activists Tadeusz Kemnitz, Stanisław Oleksy, Stanisław Bobrowski, Jan Wolicki and Professor Tadeusz Gromada with well-deserved national awards.
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington, D.C.