A Letter from the President of the
Washington, D.C. Chapter of
The Kosciuszko Foundation
Dear Kosciuszko Foundation Members –
On Saturday, January 17, 2015, a General Meeting of the Kosciuszko Foundation members in the Washington D.C. metro area was held to recap the events of 2014, share initiatives for 2015, and elect the Executive Committee for the Foundation’s Washington D.C. Chapter Board for the current year.
The 2015 Kosciuszko Foundation Washington D.C. Chapter Executive Officers are as follows:
President: Ms. Cecilia Kocinski
Vice President: Dr. William Gilcher
Secretary: Mr. John Frendak
William, John, and I have been members of the Kosciuszko Foundation over the past few years and we have each taken an active role by volunteering at various events held by the Foundation in D.C. and within the chapter as a whole. We look forward to continuing to serve all the members in the D.C. area in 2015.
2014 was a busy year at the Kosciuszko Foundation in Washington, D.C. The total number of members in our area has grown significantly over the past year, and we look forward to continued growth in the future. The demographics of the members have broadened due to the wide variety of events offered at the Washington center.
We look forward to an even better and busier 2015! In close collaboration with the Director of the Kosciuszko Foundation Washington D.C. Center, Ms. Barbara Bernhardt, we strive to fill the center with events and programs that will really put the Kosciuszko Foundation on the map.
We will be forming committees over the next few months based on the needs identified for the Center/Chapter over the past year. These committees will include:
* Fundraising Committee
* Membership Committee
* Outreach and Advertisement Committee
* Long-Term Planning/Endowment Committee
We invite you to get involved with the Kosciuszko Foundation D.C. Chapter.
We are looking for individuals to join the Washington D.C. Chapter Board, where we will form the committees listed above and assemble volunteers for our various events and programs throughout the year.
We are interested in your thoughts about the activities you would enjoy.
We also want to hear your ideas about how to increase the visibility of our D.C. Center in the Metropolitan Area’s international scene.
Help us to expand and flourish and proudly represent Poland in the United States.
Please let us know if you would like to get involved.
Contact us to become a new member or renew your existing membership. Thank you for your continued support for the Kosciuszko Foundation in Washington D.C. .
We look forward to serving you in the upcoming year.
Cecilia P. Kocinski
President of the Kosciuszko Foundation Washington, D.C. Chapter
The Kosciuszko Foundation
2025 “O” Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036