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Applications Open For KF Visiting
Professorship At The University of Warsaw

Applications are open for the Kosciuszko Foundation Visiting Professorship at the Collegium Artes Liberales of the University of Warsaw for the Spring Semester in 2020.

American senior scholars from U.S. universities with accomplishments in humanities, social sciences or natural sciences are encouraged to apply.

The visiting professor will be appointed for the period of five months (from Feb. 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020) at the Collegium Artes Liberales which offers courses to all students of the University of Warsaw. The teaching load is 90 hours (3 courses) a semester (6 hours a week); office hours – at least 2 hours a week. Courses will be taught in English.

The appointee is expected to give at least two public lectures and participate in the academic life of the Collegium and the University.

A competitive salary is offered and no knowledge of Polish is required. Dual citizens (of the United States and Poland) are not eligible.

The KF Visiting Professorship at the Collegium Artes Liberales of the University of Warsaw Program is co-sponsored by the Kosciuszko Foundation, Inc. and the University of Warsaw.

Application deadline: April 20, 2019

For inquiries about the position please contact:
Prof. Robert Sucharski, (email:

For more information and qualifications go to

Phone: 212-734-2130
Fax: 716-219-8413


Are you a Polish language teacher?
Apply today for a one-year KF scholarship to take up
full-time postgraduate studies in Poland in 2019/2020 academic year.
Applications must be filed in Polish. Deadline: April 14, 2019

Aplikuj już dziś i wyjedź na roczne stypendium do Polski.
Rekrutacja na podyplomowe studia dzienne dla nauczycieli języka
polskiego w roku akademickim 2019/20 już trwa!
The Kosciuszko Foundation przyzna JEDNO stypendium na rok 2019/20